I know I know. *Hit's self on head*. It has been a while since I posted after returning home, but I have been going non-stop.
So I got everyone pretty good. I even kept it up on my blogs saying "10 days!" when really it was only 6. It was very difficult to hide from everyone but it paid off in unimaginable ways. I'm very happy I did it. Even if it did mean lying to those I love. And believe me, your faces made up for it
The last day was bittersweet. And although it's been over a week I still remember waking up that morning and thinking "This is the last time I'm doing this? I don't even remember what my routine was at home"
It was a very long day of traveling and I kept confusing myself with figuring out time. I would say, "What time it is at home?" when I was in the Narita Airport and then when I was in Vancouver I would look at "what time it is at home" (as in Japan) and I was like wait... I'm calling both home. Which is home!?
Luckily my jetlag wasn't too bad and I pulled through and was able to make "Home Time" Duncan time.
Being home has been wonderful I missed it more then I could have imagined. Being with friends and family again felt amazing. I'm glad to be back. Even though I know in a few weeks I'll be begging to be sent off again.
It's good to know I can be on my own. That I lived and had a successful trip. It's helped me set goals for myself and plan out the next few years. And all I can say is I have a lot to look forward to.
Tokyo will forever hold a very very special place in my heart. And I would love to go back some day. Just maybe...not with Russians.
And now that things have slowed down I will write more again, so be sure to look for updates.
Until then,