I like to be shot.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Matcha, Matcha, Matcha.

Matcha green tea. My newest addiction. Or plain green tea, although I prefer Matcha. You see when ever you go to castings or a job they just hand it to you. I don't want to be rude so I just drink it and now after forced back glasses of it for a month..I love it. Granted I prefer it hot rather then cold. Which in most cases cold is how they give it to you but I will admit I am a fan. Usually I hate tea, I would beak my friends when drinking it because I can't stand the smell, it's much too sweet for me. But green tea isn't, and it's actually really good for you. So I'm thinking this new habit is something I may keep. 
Plus a cup of the green seems to make a day go well.
See, Yesterday. Not so good. Ipod broke, necklace from my mom broke. I wasn't happy. Nope, not at all. But my days here are finger prints, no two are the same.
So as I was walking to the shop channel this morning and I noticed I was much too early (typical). Luckily there's a starbucks right there. So instead of my usual million calorie frapp, I opted for some tea. Just before leaving I saw one of the guys from the shop channel who did my hair one time. They have a ton of people who work there so you rarely get the same people twice. But I remembered him because he was so nice. We smiled and I left heading over to the set. 
When you get there you have to sign in, so I did as usual and the guard just handed me a candy. Now I know, whoopdy doo. But they never do that and it made me smile. I throughly enjoy small gestures. Continuing on, I stepped on the elevator and hit my floor. As the doors were closing I saw "Happy starbucks guy" (no name) walking up so I quickly hit the doors open button just in time (seriously it was close) He was so thrilled! It was actually kind of cute how happy and thankful he was that I hit a button. I felt good, I had my tea, a candy and some good karma. 
Time on set flew by, it really is a good way to make a day go fast. Evil lady who commented about my arms was back but she barely said two words to me. And I didn't bother trying to invoke any conversation for the only times we did talk she totally pissed me off. I didn't want her bringing my good day down and luckily I got out without her ruining it.
I then ran off to my casting which was quick and easy and headed home. 
In a way I don't even care if Green tea is good for you, although it's a major plus. And maybe it being so good for you is why, but I have felt amazing all day. Just kind of this warmth has been lingering deep in my chest. I enjoy it. 
Green is good.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

You have a lovely way with words, must be the way you see the world.

Today we were given a break from the unmanageable heat here in Tokyo. Granted I wouldn't usually choose rain over sun but it sure was nice to step outside and not feel the urge to run back inside and sit with my A/C dreading the sweat that had already appeared on my skin. Although I did not know it was raining when I left the apartment so I stepped out side in my jean shorts and a t-shirt ready to fight the heat. It was quite a shock when I saw the rain pouring down. I didn't have time to change so I ran inside and grabbed my umbrella and had to leave. 
Luckily it is very obvious I am a foreigner so I can pull off wearing shorts in the rain without looking too stupid. I mean all I have to say is I'm from Canada and people understand. We live in igloos remember...
The shop channel finally called back after about a week so I went there to work again. I can't say I was excited but I was happy to be working and not going for castings. But when I got there I was quickly humbled by the hair and make-up people and the bright lights of the set. Kyla and the Japanese really do get along. Even if all we do is smile and nod for some reason they make me really happy. Well the people I work with anyway. The people on the streets try not to look at you and keep the themselves. As unwelcoming as it is, it's probably a good thing. 
My three hours there flew by and before I knew it I was back out in the rain finding my way home. For some strange reason today felt incredibly short. Maybe because I was finally doing something again, I'm not sure. But as I sit in bed writing this I feel like last night was a few hours ago. 
With that being said I don't think my sleeping patterns ever really adjusted here. Every night no matter how tired I am I toss and turn forever. Granted it takes me a very long time to get used to another bed. Doesn't matter how comfy or uncomfortable (which this one is..) a bed is, if I'm not used to it, I don't sleep. Plus 15 hour time difference doesn't help. But I always find myself still up at 2, 3 AM wondering why the heck I'm not asleep. And then my body wakes me up at 8 or 9 and wont let me go back to bed (and that's if I'm lucky). No matter how exhausted I am. It's the most frustrating thing. Luckily today my body was nice and let me sleep until 10 but still, usually if I was up until 3 you wouldn't see me until at least after noon. But I will admit I do enjoy waking up a bit earlier. By the time my room mates are up I have had breakfast, caught up with everyone, got ready and onto lunch. They really waste the day. I can't imagine how short their days feel! 
Well here I go to tackle myself to sleep again. Hopefully with more success...

Monday, July 26, 2010

Domo Arigato Mr.Roboto

Prior to coming to Japan I had quite a few expectations. 
1) sick cars
2) Drifting (kind of a joke)
3)amazing cell phones/electronics
4) Crazy vending machine
All of which were wrong.
First off. No drifting,I can't even count how many people said I would see that because of the Fast and the Furious movie Tokyo Drift. So I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but it doesn't happen. BUT, I will admit if people were to drift it would be very easy. Why? The road system. I didn't think there was any other way of making intersections and roads but there is. And it's stupid. All the roads curve, half them you can barely fit two cars down but they do (apparently no one is really too concerned about their mirrors..) I wish I could explain it better but you really have to see it. Sometimes you sit in the middle of intersections while others just go around you. Lights are a solid 5 minutes long. Anyone driving from Canada would have a fit. Oh and when crossing the blind have to hit a button so it will make a noise for them, my question is, how do they know if there is a button? 
With that being said everywhere you go there is a yellow strip in the middle of the sidewalk or in the metro stations with either bumpy lines, circles or rectangles. They are incredibly annoying to walk on until I realized they are paths for the blind. (I was very excited when I figured this out) the circles means either stairs or edge of a platform etc. The lines just mean keep going and the rectangles are kind of a warning for the circles. It's amazing and so accessible. I was very impressed, even if it is annoying to walk on.

Ok now cars. You know those Cube cars your starting to see back home that look like they should be little catering vans. Well that is what about 85% of people drive here. Little boxes. They love them! Every car company has them and it's all you see. Everywhere. And if not those then obviously it's amazingly expensive cars that blow your mind. But those really aren't that often. Which is upsetting.

Cell phones. I was expecting top of the line, 5 years ahead of us, amazing cell phones.
Everyone has a flip phone. A thin, wide flip phone. That's it. Well either that or an Iphone, they love Iphones. But with that being said they are still pretty cool. You know the BBM codes people use to add each other as contacts. Well those weird box pictures are everywhere. And all phones can scan them. What for?

Information. On all billboards or ads you see, restaurants anything has a code that you can scan to read or see about it. It's amazing. Apparently soon you are going to be able to pay for things by just scanning that code. As for black berry. Yeah they hate it. You see ads for it and such but I haven't seen one person use one. It's flip phone or Iphone. Or both, a lot of people have like 3 cell phones for no good reason. 

Vending Machines. Well they are everywhere. But I had heard there are ones with school girls panties, and even lawn mowers. Well I don't know where those people were but I have seen nothing like that. Majority are just drinks or cigarettes there are at least 4 of each on every block. But I have seen an umbrella one (very smart) and a make-up one which was neat. But that's really the extent of it. I'm kind of disappointed I was looking forward to seeing how many random ones I could find. Maybe that fad ended a few years ago I'm not too sure.
So what is the conclusion? No Japan isn't as far ahead as I was expecting, and it may not look as crazy as I thought but the difference is still pretty sweet.
And either way I still love Japan.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

“Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.”

Weekends are generally pretty boring in Tokyo now. This weekend I didn't work which was a nice but boring break. Now there will be a lot more days like this, the industry is slowing down due to the heat. Which sucks for me, I would way rather keep busy. But what can you do? 
Today I realized I am so my mothers daughter. I got up, went to starbucks nearly dying on the 15 minute walk. It really should be closer. Then I went and grabbed a few things so I could make some of my famous pancakes. It was a good taste of home. And yes, I do still have my talent. My room mates have been gone since last night, not too sure where they are. But with them being gone I thought it would be a good time to clean. I did all the dishes (which was a lot) then vimed the sink. I then cleaned the table, washed it because they never do. Then I vacuumed the whole apartment and organized my room. I felt wonderful, and realized I am a clean freak just like my mother. Not that it's a bad thing. Days like this really make me wish I was going home a week early, seeing as a lot of the time it will just be boring days like this. But hey 29 days isn't that far away, I'll be fine. 
Some of you may have seen on my facebook status "There is a large difference between wanting success and wanting fame. Just making that clear.." and my reply to some of the comments being " To me, I have had success. This was a goal of mine and I achieved it. I'm living on my own in Japan doing what I love. It is one goal I have met, and I am now planning the next. It's small steps and to me that is success. Fame is not something I am striving for. It's fulfillment and happiness." 
Well I am currently working on my next goal. First: finish High School obviously, then I plan on taking a year off and hope to travel with modeling, but I kind of plan on tackling that one a little closer to that time. But Last night I consumed it with looking at schools for post secondary (yeah.. I like research, have I mentioned that?) Anyways, My original plan was to get my fashion marketing in Vancouver then to go Toronto for journalism. But I found out I can do it all at kwantlen in Vancouver. Which is fantastic. A long time but it's still good news. Reading about it all started to scare me though. I don't know what it is but university scares the crap out of me. I can live on my own in a foreign country fine but go to school in Vancouver..nope. I'm not sure what it is, maybe fear for failure of a career I'm not too sure. I take my future very seriously. Hence why I have been planning what I want to do since like grade 7. But I have plenty of time to stress about it. Seeing as I plan on taking a year off first. So we will see what happens. 
Sometimes I think way too much. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's like a heat wave burning in my heart.

Today I worked for Alfa Romeo in the Concurs D'elegance Car show. We got to unveil the brand new "Guliette" that actually isn't released until next year. Sounds like a fun day right? No. Today was literally the hottest day I have ever endured in my life. Now, I know we say this a lot. Like how every time we get sick we always say "I have never felt this sick" but really it's just you feeling like crap in that moment. Well I'm not just saying this. It wins, by far. When ever we have jobs we are told to moisturize our skin before. BAD idea when you sweat. My body was like a slip n' slide. Because when you sweat all the cream that was sitting on your skin rises.. It doesn't feel so nice. I literally drank 4 huge things of water. If people in Tokyo do not have air conditioning I honestly think they could die. No lies. It's that bad. 
So if I hear anyone back home complaining about heat again I would love for them to come here and check this place out.
All the Japanese actually carry around a towel to wipe themselves off with. Seriously, you see it everywhere. And that's just normal. I now understand why ever one leaves for a few weeks in the summer. It is not enjoyable at all. 
Then on the way back the metro was packed. I had been there when it's busy, but it was packed. Like peoples faces against the windows kind of thing. Which didn't help with my already sweaty situation. I literally had a girls face in my armpit. And to top it off, the japanese just sleep on the metro so I had a guy snoozing on my back. My mosquito bites on my leg? I couldn't itch them, I could hardly breath, I was lucky to have a handle to hold, not that I would have gone anywhere. 
When I came home it literally took 2 hours of sitting under my blasting air conditioning and a cold shower in order to cool me down...
Just cool me down.
I'm not over exaggerating or anything. I know I do that a lot but honestly. There is no sarcasm in my words..for once.
So, what is to learn from all this? If you ever plan on visiting Japan, DON'T go in the summer.
You can learn, I can suffer.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nice to meet you.

I believe in fate. I'm not very religious, just wasn't brought up that way. Although I find religion very interesting, I do not practice any. But I do however believe in fate. I do believe everything happens for a reason, that maybe things are already generally set out for us and as different cards are played causing different results we walk through the maze, but the path is pretty clear. Some people say that fate is just a security net for people to follow. That if there was such thing as fate why would these horrible things happen? Well, I think that people who don't believe in fate are just afraid of the fact that the choices have been made for them. But I have seen fate, it has stared me in the face and smiled. 

I know I didn't go to Korea last year because I wasn't ready. There were other things in my life that needed to be dealt with before I could handle being on my own. There were new experiences I need to endure before setting off. I needed to be stronger, to see these things and to learn. And so fate lead me to Tokyo. 

I always said I wanted to go on a trip by myself. To learn about myself and explore, see how I did. Granted I planed on it being an english speaking country where I could meet people. But fate didn't choose that for me, not yet anyway. Well I got it. And today while I was sopping in my loneliness I remembered that very plan. And said "Well, your here. This is what you wanted.. Do something!" It was like fate slapped me in the face and said "HEY! You wanted this! I'm right here!" Yes this experience would be much better with someone by my side. But I am meant to learn to stand on my own feet and have no crutches holding me up. 

And tomorrow is just another step. I am working at a big car show event for Fiat. Tons of press will be there taking pictures as we stand by the car/ sit in it. Should be a fairly fun job I'm thinking. Plus it's something keeping me busy. Which is always good.

I talked to my agent today as we went to the casting. And as I have said the date I come home is not set in stone. Nothing in this industry ever is. And next week we are discussing when the date should for sure be. I kind of have mixed feelings about it. I want to go home, have a few weeks left of summer with everyone. That urge is there. But I'm here, there is a reason. I feel like I'm meant to see other things, do other things here. BUT, it turns out the japanese chirstmas holiday is in the summer. Because it is SO hot here everyone stops working, shuts everything down and leaves the country and visits others for about a week in August. So during that time there will be no work, no castings, nothing. And because there was no castings there probably wont be much work the week after either. So my agent is saying, why waste money and time keeping us here when there wont be anything. Which makes perfect sense. So, if I were to come home a little early it would not be because I couldn't do it, or I wasn't doing well enough. Simply because the market was down. And under that condition would I only go home. I am not backing down, in fact I love it here. I want to do this, I want to work, I want to learn. As much as some days are horrible I have all year to be in Duncan, who knows when I will ever come back here. Or get a chance like this again. I need to remind myself of that. So basically, the contract will speak for it's self. How it goes is how I go. But I'm not going to say anything. I'll let fate do the talking.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fashion 4-some

I have said many a' times how I miss being able to go to the beach. And today, I got to! Granted it was a 3 hour metro ride then a 20 minute taxi and about 15 of walking but it was worth it. Sort of.
It was an interesting shoot. I kind of call is a fashion 4-some. 4 photographers shooting me at once. I had never had anything like that it was so weird. It was insanely windy so often times when I was just fixing my hair they would still take pictures. And having to rotate your eyes to all of them got exhausting(sounds stupid but it's hard ok). The waves were huge and I was leaning/sitting/standing on this huge rocks that were morphed into weird shapes making amazing backgrounds. 
But it was long. And very hot. I think I got heat stroke. And if I don't have a sun burn tomorrow, I will be shocked. Rainy season has left Tokyo and it's now a heat wave. It's insane. If it weren't for that strong wind I would have died. But it got difficult and fast. I hadn't ate much all day and tied with the beating sun, working hard and a long day I started to die out. Not only that but have any of you ever been on the Indiana Jones ride in Disneyland? And do you remember the part when the light shines and it shows spiders everywhere... well, that was me. But it wasn't a ride. It happened. The bugs and creepy crawly things all over the rocks were terrifying. And they weren't shy to crawl on you. There were many times where I had to run around to get them off me. Fun? No. Not at all. And at a point I was crossing some water to climb onto a rock and it was slippery and I didn't know. Now before I finish I would like to mention what an amazing rock climber I am, it's something that always came naturally to me. Maybe it's the long legs, I don't know. But I could get anywhere. It was kind of fun. So with me being all confident I frolicked into the water my foot slipped and I crashed into the hard edges of the rocks. Causing me to gash open my leg, toe and hand. Awesome. And they could have cared less so I had to keep on posing while being in a lot of pain (remember...salt water. OW!) 
After a while I just wanted to stop. I felt horrible I wasn't into it. I just wanted to go to bed. But then I reminded myself that almost every shoot I didn't enjoy, or I didn't like the person or I didn't feel I have been doing well, have been the best photos of mine. It's so weird. So I was like well maybe that will happen again. 
On the way back one of the four photographers let me look at his camera and you know what, they look pretty good to me. I'm excited to see them in big. So even though it wasn't the best shoot experience, I think in the end it will be worth it. 
That's what it's all about. That's all that matters. 
And if not at least I got to check out Tokyo Bay!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hate on me - Jill Scott

I have had several messages now asking what my "exciting new" was. I didn't post it that night because I started to realize I kept talking about my jobs. And I don't want this to come across as me bragging about the things I'm booking. I post about them for my friends and family and those who are interested to hear about it. Not as a way of my putting myself on a pedestal, at all. I would still post every night jobs or not.
But for some I can imagine I would look that way. I would like to make it clear that is not my intension. There will be haters. I understand that. Especially in this industry. And especially when your from a small town of tight knit people and your trying to break into this industry. I am not going to come back and think I am some celebrity. As my agent put it, this is one more step up the ladder helping me. But I have a long way to go. I may never get there. But I understand that. And these jobs, I post about them for you to hear about my day, not for me to say "oh hey look what I'm doing now aren't I wonderful" there is a difference. I wanted to make that clear.
But first, my day. It was good, I basically did the exact same thing as the last time I did the fake ceremony show. Hair was ridiculous. Make-up was worse. (like orange lip stick honestly people? and no they weren't trying to be couture) But it was fun. Very long. We had like 3 hours in between shows so I brought my travel pillow and slept. it was nice other then the fact I threw out my neck in the process.
On our way back my homesickness hit me like a wave again. I felt terrible. I just wanted to lay in my bed and look at old pictures on my laptop. But then, the Russians invited me to a Mcdonalds run for a late dinner. I was so happy that 1) they included me and 2) It would get my mind off my loneliness. And of course good ol' Dons did the trick.
Tomorrow I have a test shoot on the beach, I'm pretty excited. I have been craving a day at the beach and even though this will be much different then home maybe it will kill a bit of my desire.
So exciting news time?
Well there is 2 parts, one isn't as exciting but I just didn't post about it. So that day, I got the car show casting. Which will be super fun! Stand by a beautiful car for people? Sounds good to me! That job is on Thursday.
And.. drum roll..
I got the Olympus Ad! Which is why I didn't go to my Canon call back because 2 camera companies wouldn't use the same girl for their ads. It's my first big ad I have ever gotten so I'm super excited. They decided right then and there because of my other call back (which I think gave me an upper hand, being in demand always seems to work and the fact I got along with everyone so well. I knew I made an impression) But that's not until August. But more exciting part about that is I get to fly to a tropical Island for it. I forget the name of it but I do know it's a 2 hour flight and there always seems to be wars over it (according to my agent) I didn't think I would get a job like that while being here. I figured my hair show with A*pish would be the biggest thing and the rest just small shows like I have been doing. Which I'm fine with, I love them. But it is a good feeling to get this ad.
Oh and I'd just like to say, anyone who is reading this should send me a message updating me on their summer. I haven't had as many the last few days and I don't like it. I have boring nights people (hence this blog) I need entertainment.
Please and Thank-you!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A friendly reminder.

The last few days have been tough. As much as I have enjoyed them here in Tokyo I have felt a certain soft spot for a BC summer. We seriously don't realize how lucky we are. What I wouldn't do to be able to go grab an Ice Capp and go sit at the beach. Honestly. I have started having halucinations of jumping into a lake. Small things that I used to do all summer I now long for. I love what I'm doing, I love the opportunity but that doesn't mean I don't miss what we have at home. And talking to my friends back home, which really should have made it better only made the longing worse.
Today I was reminded why I'm here.
It was the Waseda College Hair Show. And it was magnificent. The casting for this show was the first casting I went to right when I arrived in Tokyo. Fumiko my stylist had chosen me right then, and since then her and I shared a bond even with the language barrier. I have come to the conclusion and Kyla and Japanese just get along well. They always seem to really like me and I always seem to love them. Anyways she was fantastic. The hair was wild and she was super fun about everything. We first went on with do #1 in black dresses, Did a walk through the seats etc.
Then quickly changed and sat on stage while they did a new hair do in 7 minutes. The transformation: amazing! The thrill of the loud music pulsing, the lights, the hair, walking. I felt like a mosquito sucking it all in.

We were only one of many acts in the show some of which involving beautiful kimonos, insane girls with make-up like butterflys and tons of other acts put on by this college. When the finale rolled around each group went out and took a bow, everyone clapping to the music and standing in a group. The atmosphere was thrilling, anyone who was in steel pier and remembers that last show and how when the curtains closed we all cheered and danced and cried. Well it was that all over again. And I didn't even attend the college. I choked up a little bit I will admit, but then I was like wait, I don't even know 80% of these people.. But still to have that feeling again, pulsing through me. Was amazing. It reminded me why I love this so much. Why I am here. And I know I have said those exact words before but I can't explain how amazing it is.
I even almost choked up hugging Fumiko good-bye. It was odd. Like I said, Japanese and I just seem to click.
On the way back I asked the girls how they felt about the show. What did they say? "ah it was ok, nothing great, I'm tired" I wanted to slap them. Seriously nothing impresses them. Their attitude really bothers me. But hey I enjoyed myself throughly that's all that matters.

But thanks to this day and a few amazing messages from home I am reminded that it's ok to miss home and miss what all the other summers of my life have consisted of. But that doesn't mean that what I'm doing, right here, isn't amazing.
Change is good. I'm learning to love it.


Friday, July 16, 2010

"And I need your heart, because your always in the right places"

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I've noticed going to Japan has not only broke me out of my picky spell it's broke my shy one as well. Anyone who knew me as a child knows I barely spoke. I was so shy and as much as I have shook most of it I still have a hard time standing up for myself. I just hate causing a scene, a lot. But when your on your own you learn that sometimes if it's your safety at risk, a scene is the last thing you need to worry about.
It was a good day today, an interesting one.. but in the end it turned out to be good. We had 2 castings today, one for a car show (aka the girl who stands beside the car in the show room) and one for Olympus. Vital sasson decided to push their dates back so we didn't do that one today. Anyways so we went to the castings and all went well. I actually bonded really well with some of the people from Olympus while I was there. Which the other girls didn't get to do, mainly because of language barriers I think, but I was happy that I was the one who did most the talking. More likely to leave an impression.
So after the castings I was supposed to go for a call back for the Sony/Canon job from yesterday (the building was for Sony but it turns out the job was Canon which is why in my last post I said Sony, who knew?) But I was pretty excited I had a call back because it was a huge casting. Which we don't usually go to.Anyways after the olympus one my agent said I am no longer going to the call back for Canon. I was just like Ok? and went back to the apartment. The way back was... an interesting one. I was all alone cause the girls were meeting up with other Russians.
So I'm standing there and this black guy comes up to me. Now I am the last person to be racist, honestly but in Japan it's a little different. Go walk around Roppongi at night and you will know what I mean. They seriously just come out at night in the city-like areas and try and tell you to go upstairs to a club. It's pretty scary because they are everywhere and big guys. And they are only people around here who do stuff like that. Most people really keep to themselves. So when he started talking to me I immediately got a little scared. I walked away and sat down only to my luck the guy beside me got up and the black guy moved in (once again not racist but I don't know his name) He started saying how beautiful I was and he couldn't take his eyes off me. I just kept turning my head and looking away. He was asking when my days off were, my number, my e-mail. I just kept saying I don't have a phone, I don't get days off, no computer. Hoping he would give up. He wouldn't. Everyone around me was uncomfortable too and saw the look on my face but the Japanese are quiet people, no one would say anything. Finally I got fed up and I was like "Look buddy I have a boyfriend and he lives with me so do you want to leave me alone?!" That did the trick and he got off at the next stop. Everyone was staring at me but I had to do something, if not he could have followed me off my stop and I was going back to the apartment alone, I wouldn't have been able to do anything. I took a few minutes to calm down and left the station and grabbed something to eat.
It was early afternoon and I didn't feel like sitting around so I cleaned my room, vacuumed the apartment, went and did 3 loads of laundry etc. I was starting to feel better. Then my agent called and it looks like another busy weekend for Kyla.
Tomorrow I have the college hair show. It's huge about 300 people go, I'm pretty excited about it. Then Sunday I have that Bridal show again with the fake ceremony, they have it pretty often and I had fun last time, and this time should be better because I'm not as down in the dumps as I was. Then Monday I have another test shoot, this time on the beach. I'm super excited about it. The fact I keep getting tests is rare (Test shoot are shoots that aren't going to be printed or a company isn't behind them, it's just a collaboration of people who use the shots for their portfolios) They don't do tests as much as at home here. Granted a job shoot is better but I could care less, either way it's a shoot so I'm excited.
So it looks like another busy weekend, but I couldn't be happier I want to stay busy and I could only take a few more nights of watching reruns. It gets pretty boring after a while. Keeping busy is much better.
I have more very exciting news but I feel like I should save them for later posts seeing as the jobs aren't until later in the month/August.
But I can say one of them has something to do with the fact I didn't go to my call back..
You'll just have to wait and see!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Everyone you meet, is another person you know.

So remember that hair show I did in Akita, and I said they treated the guy like god? Well I talked to one of my Japanese friends Brad (or Usui Etsuki) who had lived with my moms co-worker for 3 years, anyway he saw the photos and couldn't believe I worked for him. He said he's one of the most famous hair stylists in Japan. It all makes sense now. I'm very proud to say I worked with him and my little lolita friend who is also a famous japanese model. You never know who your meeting or working with. I'm glad I made a good impression with him, Kind of made my night
Anyways today was yet again another boring day. But I gave myself a mission. Find Ketchup. I had been craving grilled cheese for a while now but I needed ketchup. And they don't have grocery stores here they have convenies (aka 7 11 without the gas) that's it. So I went on a hunt. And I was successful! and very very proud of myself. I actually jumped in the store when I found it. Made a bit of a scene. Awkward. Anyways I was very proud of myself and went home and had an amazing grilled cheese.
We only had one casting today at 6:20 so I had a lot of time. Nicole and her room mate stopped by to say hi which was nice seeing as she leaves Sunday (another girl from coultish) Kind of sad I didn't get to see her more but I'm glad I did at all. And when while at the casting for Sony (which had SO many people at it, not used to castings like that) I saw Taylor! Another coultish girl. It was nice to see them both even though it was like for a minute. Just kind of reassuring.
Tomorrow is the big casting day for olympus and it turns out It's a very famous photographer who's shooting it (I didn't get the name) and what's even better is my agent has connections so it's just our girls going. Of course that doesn't give me any more a chance of getting it then before but it is less competition. So wish me luck because this would be an amazing job. But hey if not there will be others. There really isn't much you can do, they either want/like your look or not. It can be tough but all you have to do is think "Hey I worked for these people. Just not these ones"
Hopefully soon I will be able to make some more interesting posts again. I feel like I'm lacking in content.
We will see what tomorrow brings..

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

" Every moment of your life is an opportunity for fashion"

Well it's been a few days. And to be honest it's been a bunch of boring, useless, lazy nights of watching episodes of Glee and the bachelorette on my laptop. I still wake up thinking my mom is going to call or stop by so we can go do something. I have no drive to when I'm by myself. Last night I went for a bit of a walk, checked out a few stores but it gets dark really early here and I was creeped out by guys coming up to me and what not so I just went home. Returning to my laptop and watching more re-runs. Thankfully the Russians want to go to forever 21 and I know where it is, so I'm taking them sometime soon so that will be something to get me out of this small spider infested apartment.
Okay so it's not infested. But I still check everywhere I go from now on. For those of you who hadn't heard my late night escapade it happened a night ago now. I was finally falling asleep and I heard a scream from one of my room mates at 2:00 AM. I jumped up and ran out and she was scurrying out of the shower. "Spider!" she screamed over and over (this is the 16 year old by the way) The other one goes and checks it out and screams and runs too. I was like ok really? First off why the hell was she showering at 2 AM like honestly? That's as bad a vacuuming at 1:30, anyways. I looked in the shower.. it was huge. Like huge. Size of my palm and fat like it just had christmas dinner. I had never seen a spider quite that size. They were freaking out so the mother in me (yes my inner mavis) pulled out and I was like "Ok, we will not sleep if this thing lives. It has to die. We are bigger then the spider. We are more terrifying, and it must die" They agreed. Would they do it? No. Damn it that backfired. So I got the vacuum ready and grabbed a mop we had removing the padding so it was just the velro part. It was in a corner which served as a bit of a problem. But I counted to three and slaughtered the thing with the mop. I killed it but it was stuck to the velcro. So I grabbed the vacuum and gave that spider the last ride of his life. Needless to say I doubt I will be vacuuming for a while. And I didn't sleep very well that night.
That's really the most exciting thing that has happened. I have another job on Saturday and 2 huge castings for Vital Sasson commercial the hair company and Olympus cameras. I'm sure there will be competition at both and chances will be low but hey it's still pretty cool to be going at all.
I hope to be able to write soon with some more exciting news. Until then,

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello I'm Vanessa Moreno

Akita Japan. All I can say is it was amazing. One of the most humbling experiences of my life. Granted it is thanks to the fantastic people I worked with but it will be a trip I will never forget.
First of all I got experience being "Vanessa Moreno" for two days. At least that's what the name on my plane ticket said. Because it was domestic you don't need a passport so that was the name I was given. It was a joke the whole time. I liked Vanessa, she was fun.
The plane ride was maybe 45 minutes. And then we drove about half an hour. We then dropped our stuff at this beautiful hotel and went straight to dinner. I was pretty excited because I had barely ate all day...
Until I got there.
It was a full out traditional Japanese dinner. No shoes, sitting on the floor, everything. Tears filled my eyes as I got worried for as most of you know, I don't eat seafood and I can't use chopsticks. I was panicking like mad. But luckily when I told them I had never had a traditional dinner before they were super understanding. They gave me a knife and fork and even switched a few meals for me. They were so welcoming and understanding I, I can't even begin to explain it. But because you have no choice over meals I forced myself to eat some of it. And most wasn't that bad. Would I rush back for it? No. But I thought it would be worse. And yes I even ate seafood. Those who know me well would know how tough that is for me. But I delt with it. They gave me salmon at a point instead of eel which was nice and it was actually really good. The one guy kept making fun of me saying all I wanted was maple syrup. I didn't realize how much people think Canadians use that stuff.
I like never do.
At a point he even joked saying we showered in it.
Not quite buddy.
But the dinner was so much fun, my legs ached from sitting on my knees and my mouth had a gross taste from the last soup but the group was hilarious. I had that warm fuzzy feeling the whole time. Even though only 3 of them spoke english so I wasn't a part for 80% of the conversations I didn't feel like an outsider. It was amazing. They even taught me a few things like this is delicious and this is sweet. Which we used to describe the most amazing cherries I think I will ever eat. I had to have ate at least 30 of them.
And I mean they must be good. The one guy told me they cost 60 dollars.
But delicious madness.
A lot of the stuff I ate I couldn't tell you what it was, and to be honest, I don't want to know. There was some stuff that legit looked like fried spider legs. I couldn't do it, so my little lolita friend (that's what I called her cause their names were too hard) ate them for me. She was the other model in the show and became a very good friend. She's actually a very famous lolita (styling of dressing) model in Japan. She was absolutely adorable, and ate like a mad man. Honestly I have never seen someone eat so much. And she's tiny. I was baffled. But Japan is really breaking me out of my picky spell. I wouldn't say I'm picky really I just like simple dishes. But you don't get a choice here, you sit down and eat what is in front of you. So I am and I think it's a good thing.
The next day we had breakfast at the hotel and went to do the show. It was a hair seminar that apparently is a big deal.
Who knew?

First I wore a black wig he cut on stage for everyone with a razor. I'm still finding little black hairs everywhere, I walked the runway with the new do, then sat back down and he ripped the wig off and did my hair (in an insane amount of time) into an up do for everyone, (see picture) I then ripped of the top dress grey dress and revealed the metallic pink one and walked again. The crowd loved it. I'm pretty sure there are pictures of me are in about 100 japanese blogs right now (they all have them) Because everyones phones were going off like crazy. I loved it. And after the show we went out and people went crazy wanting pictures with me. Grabbing my hands and bowing. It was hilarious. I didn't realize the guy that owns A*Pish (the salon) was such a celebrity. He was like god to them. The thrill of the show was exhilarating. If I could do that everyday. I would.
Afterwards we packed up and headed back to the airport only for our flight to be delayed. Awesome. So we ate dinner and chatted etc. They made me feel so special. Always giving me a seat, bringing me water. And as much as I don't care for being catered to, the way the japanese do everything is just so thoughtful you can't help but feel appreciated. Even for the smallest thing. I had a smile on my face the whole trip. I honestly think I might go back to the salon just to visit them. I like them that much. If I were to ever come back to Japan I know I would for sure.
Akita will forever hold a special place in my heart and those people (whom I couldn't tell you one of their names) will forever be remembered.
But for now I need rest, it has been an insane weekend full of jobs. All of which were fantastic.
I could get used to this.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I love writing. That's the whole reason I started this blog. I actually had it before this trip, as sort of an outlet for myself. And today I realized that this blog is kind of a drive for me. I look forward to ending my day and recapping it all. When you look into your days more throughly it's amazing what you see. Little things you missed. I'm enjoying it. And I realized in a way it's a story I have started. And today when I woke up and was still feeling upset and lonely I realized the story has only just started and I need to finish it. There is a reason I am writing it, living it. There is a reason I am in Tokyo for a summer and maybe thanks to my in depth look into my days, by the end I will see that. In a way I'm already starting to.
This morning was difficult, it was early , I was going off maybe 5 hours of sleep added one to even less from the night before and I wasn't up for working. Plus I was still so uneasy, the smallest thing could have broke me. But I went to the job and it actually ended up being really fun!
It was like a fake wedding reception, I had a husband, we cut cake, clinked glasses, even walked holding weighted teddy bears that's a tradition for having children or something, I don't know I didn't ask. It was silly and over done, but really fun.
Then I got my papers confirming I am flying out of Tokyo tomorrow. So once I am done this horrible shop channel job from 3-6 AM I have to rest up because I fly out to Akita at around 5 pm. I then stay the night in Akita and do a hair show that morning through afternoon and then fly back home around 6pm. It's about an hour's trip. I'm pretty excited about it. I think it will be good to A: keep be busy and B: Kind of pull me out of my routine so that when I get back I can start over. Solo.
I also talked to my agent for a good ten minutes about it today. Because when we go to castings the Russians just talk to each other he always ends up talking to me. Which is good because we've become pretty close. So we were talking on the phone and he was explaining the next two days and what not. He then goes on about how he's trying to give me Tuesday off so I can rest up after this all. Which is very sweet if him. But it turns out I do have a fitting for a job on Saturday. Which isn't bad I can handle one thing. He was apologizing about it and saying "I can't do much about it, I think you are going to stay very busy. Lots of jobs for you." In his cute bad english. Hearing that kind of faith and support from someone other then friends and family who are kind of obligated to be that way, was extremely reassuring. And also from someone who has been in this business for a very long time. Thats when I tore off this shredded coat I was wearing of tears and confusion and realized I am ready to do this. There is a reason I am here, on my own. And not only that while pondering my day I realized how happy I was while doing the show. Before my phone call it was the only time today I was in a really good place. These jobs; even if it's a stupid bridal show with ugly hair and a fake wedding reception, makes me happy. No matter what I'm doing I love it. One of the girls hated her hair and was in a tizzy about it the whole show. Uhm, hi I had about 20 flowers in my hair that looked an arts and crafts store vomited on me but I still loved it!
That moment, right there is why I'm here. Because I love it.
Yes I love home. I love my friends and family. But that feeling is something I can't explain. I mean I do get it when I work back home, but it's not as much constant work as here.
Last night I was really upset about how lonely a summer this will be. But when it's filled with thrills of feelings like that, I guess it's worth it.
Until the next chapter,

Friday, July 9, 2010

"I absolutely love her, when she smiles"..

It's hard for me to write about my day right now. As good as it was, it's the last thing on my mind. Tonight was the last night with my mom here. And I have a job tomorrow so I can't say good-bye before she goes.
It's been the hardest part so far.
I honestly don't think I could have done this without her. She helped me get settled, find everything, make sure I had everything I need. Actually more then everything. I know thanks to her everything will be okay.
It's just hard because I got into the routine of her calling every morning and coming for breakfast. Then calling me after my day and meeting up for dinner and touring around. All alone I'm not really going to want to go out so it looks like a lot of nights watching shows and movies on my laptop...
I can not even begin to explain how amazing she is. Anyone that knows her would agree (I mean come on she's more popular between my friends then I am) She always makes sure I'm safe and happy and yet she gives me the right amount of freedom I need. She is truly my best friend and I am so blessed to be able to say that.
I love you mom. I don't care who reads this. I do.
But in the mean time my jobs went well today. The shoot was so much fun the girls were awesome even though they barely spoke english. I had fun and the shopping channel went good too, even though getting up that early hurt... a lot.
I actually nodded off during hair and make-up for my shoot. It was pretty embarrassing. But she understood.
I'm still having a hard time believing I am living on my own, at 17 in Japan. How insane is that? It doesn't seem right. I almost don't believe it and I'm living it. But thanks to my mom I know I will get through it all, I know I will stay safe and it will fly by.
It's weird. I remember when I was a kid and I would cry going to sleep overs at Paula's. She lived right across the street but I would always chicken out and have to go home.
Now I'm going a month and a half. I mean I realize for some people that's no big deal but when your this close with your mom, it's so much harder.
46 days until I see you again.
Love your Ky.xo
ps. I just read this over and realized how much I jump around but this is literally how my head is right now. jumbled mess. So sorry about that.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A new and glorious day.

There is no point in predicting the future, everyday is so different from the next.
Today I woke up to a call from my agent informing me I had two jobs tomorrow. Not one,but two. I was elated. Turns out Shopping Channel wants me back, as an employee not a test which means they will pay me, yay! And I got the test shoot. Which is fantastic I have been dying to shoot here.
So thanks to that I was starting my day off on a good foot. We only had one casting today. Which was nice. And while being there I was informed I am going to have the most insane weekend ahead of me. Turns out I didn't just book those 2 jobs tomorrow. I have jobs all weekend.
A lot of jobs.
So here it goes. I have Shopping Channel tomorrow from 6-8 Am (bright and early, which by the way you have to be an hour early for, which means wake up at 4:20..yikes) I then leave there and go to my shoot from 11-4.
I also have to say good bye to my mom that night which is going to be terribly hard. But luckily with all these jobs I will be kept busy
So Saturday I have a Bridal Show with Ecaterina from 12-4 (give or take)
Then I have to come back and try to sleep because I have the shopping channel again, but not from 6-8
I have it from 3-6.. am. yes am. Which means I get a cab at my apartment at 2 (seeing as the metro stops at 12) to take me there.
Madness?... yes.
It was optional but I didn't want to turn down one of my firs few jobs and I mean I am in debt to this guy really so I need to take every job I can.
So I do that then, yes then I come back and try and sleep again because that afternoon-ish I have a hair show.
But the way he made this sound, now it's not for sure or anything his english isn't the best, but the way it sounds is I am taking a domestic flight for this show. To where? I'm not 100% sure, he'll probably give me details tomorrow or the next day.
But all that, to take me to a hair show! I can't believe it.
I'm so excited and proud karma was on my side after all and I am now booking a bunch of jobs. But this will be a lot to handle in one weekend especially without my mom.
I'm totally comfortable here. I know where to get everything, ride the metro etc. It's just nice having someone call every morning and come see you after castings and what not.
I'm totally fine being on my own though. A part of me is actually excited about it. I know I'm very lucky to have had her come with me. Not everyone even gets that and now that I'm settled I know I will be fine.
Better then fine judging by today. Even the Russians were nice to me today which was surprising, I could tell they were a little mad I got these jobs but they didn't let it show quite as bad. That's all I can ask for.
Well as long as I don't die from exhaustion I hope to be updating soon.
Until then,

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Being human causes emotions to get the best of us. It's one of the best and worst things about us. Today I got to experience that side throughly. Sometimes I think being able to turn off my emotions would help make things easier. But it doesn't work that way.
We had 2 castings today. They went pretty well all until the last one. The woman asked how long we had been modeling for Atsushi replied going down the line "Ecaterina: 3, Galina: she said 4, which I have a hard time believing seeing as she's 16 and me he said 3." which I just nodded to. I have only been with Barbara Coultish 2 but I just went along with it. So when we leave Ecaterina goes "you only told me 2" I looked at her and was like "Well I modeled before my agency, I've just only been with them 2" Which is fine, thats experience too. She looks and me and goes "Well I did modeling when I was little girl but I don't say that" (remember bad english) I couldn't believe it. The fury that rose in me literally burned. Atsushi just laughed and said "it's fine it's fine" and she was so rattled about it! Then we sat there as he called clients about jobs. He explained to her that she didn't get the shopping channel because she did everything too sexy. (seriously she does everything seductively, it gets awkward) She rolled her eyes and said "I didn't like that job anyway, stand here look here, it's so stupid. What ever" I was baffled. Down right baffled. Just because you don't get a job doesn't mean you need to bash it. So Atsushi said "well that's good for some jobs but not all" and she was like "Well in Russia they love it. I work on TV all the time, That's what they want" and he agreed "yes sometimes they do but sometimes not" she went into a tizy going off on how it does work. He then said they want me back to work more, which she then rolled her eyes and pouted. Her competitiveness started to get on my nerves adding to the fire that was already brewing in me. It was just so disrespectful I couldn't believe it. I'm not sure if it's just a russian trait or what but they seem to be that way all the time.
Like for example the internet is in my room. So they sit on my floor and talk on Skype. Which is fine I don't mind but it gets late and I'm like "Ok I'm going to bed night!" and they are like "Night" and still sit there yelling to their family on the computer, leaving my light on and what not. (Russians talk very loud) While I lay in my bed trying to sleep. I can't even comprehend that, How DO you do that!?
I'm still killing them with kindness, in fact I'm slaughtering them. It's all I can do and hope I get it in return.
But after all that I really needed to calm myself down, so I came back to the apartment while they went off shopping and watched the bachelorette getting caught up on my newest guilty pleasure. Then Nicole, another girl from Victoria contacted me and wanted to go to dinner. So my mom and I went out to Roppongi and met her and her room mate. Thankfully we had a wonderful dinner and talked for quite a few hours. After leaving them I had a new perspective and realized it doesn't matter what these girls are like. I have my ways they have theirs. If they choose to be disrespectful that is their choice but that's not me. I choose to leave every casting last so I can smile and say thank-you and good-bye. I choose to thank Atsushi for everything and show how thankful I am. I choose to offer to get up early and take the garbage out and do their dishes (yes I have to do their dishes, stupid) Hopefully my choices will turn me in the right direction but this is who I am. It's how I was raised, I'm not about to change that. (Thanks Mavis)
Anyway that was my rant for today. Sorry I needed to let it all out.
Tomorrow is a new day, We shall see how it goes.
Ps. It is currently 1:30 AM and they are vacuuming.. Even more reason for this post. Hmph.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I decided not to post yesterday. Nothing exciting happened, we had a few castings and I napped the rest of the day. I think everything finally caught up with me. Oh, by the way a few people were asking me what a "casting" is. It's basically an audition for a job where they bring you in to see who will work best, ei:cast the part. And we basically walk a good 5 Km in 6 inch heels all day to get to each one. My legs want to murder me.
Today I only had one casting which was nice, a good break. My mom and I decided to head out to Tokyo Tower (much like the Eiffel Tower) It was amazing. The views were spectacular. They also had the official Michael Jackson Collection Tribute in it. I loved it. Throughout the tower they were playing Michael's songs. I was jamming the whole time.

Also we got to participate in Tanabata while being there. It's celebrated July the 7th which is the official Tanabata day (A japanese star festival). Basically the 7th of July is the once a year meeting of the 2 lovers, Kengyu and Shokujo. They are separated the rest of the year by the Milky Way. So the weeks leading up to it people write their wishes on paper and tie it to bamboo and on the 7th at around mid-night they are set afloat on a river or burned to send to the gods.
It was wonderful being able to celebrate a Japanese tradition while being here.
Which by the way is 50 days left. I'm not counting, Tia told me.

It feels like I've already been here a month. But the more I work I know it will go by fast. Not that I want it to, I really do love it here. But I do miss everyone. And my bed. I really miss my bed. But I'm enjoying myself and embracing it all.
Much love,

Sunday, July 4, 2010

In a relationship.

I will keep this one short and sweet but I would just like to say I have fallen head over heels for Tokyo. It is amazing here now that I am comfortable with where I am. Knowing Taylor (another girl from my Victoria Agency) is near by is such a comfort. And the Russians and I are really getting along now. And to top it all I did the Shopping channel again today and I must have ate something good because I did not get one bad comment, good arms, posture, smile, poses, everything. So hopefully I will have a job there now, if not we have snapshots!
Either way, I would just like to make Tokyo and I an official couple.
"Kyla Alexandra Habazin is now in a relationship with Tokyo Japan"
K cool.


Saturday, July 3, 2010

2nd Happiest place on earth.

So I was pondering my day earlier thinking, "yes today will be a short blog, just little snippets about Disneyland." Seeing as most of them have been essays. But of course we had another adventure which I will most likely ramble on about. Sorry, tell me if I start to bore you.
Anywho we got up and went to Disneyland. It was rather easy getting there I know the metro well now. The Disneyland part is almost exactly the same as the one in California, little things are different but not much. Which is good because I love California. This biggest difference was Disney Sea. No not that stupid little lake they have in California, A sea! It's like a different and better version of California Adventure. It's pretty well a big lake with all the different coasts of the world. It's wonderfully done, although it got dark around then so it was really hard to see it all.
After wandering around a good 6 hours, our feet are killing, we're tired and our hair couldn't look worse. (Seriously, after splash mountain, humidity and wind it gets bad) So we decide to leave. We were told to take the number 9 bus back to where we were then grab the metro again. Easy enough, so we go to the 9 platform. And a bus comes. It says 8. Hm. So we ask a guy, does it go there? he says yes. Okay
No it does not.
It did not go there.
So we are driving out to who knows where and were like uhm? So I was like ok don't panic we just need a metro station and I can get us back with my map, it's super easy.
Were there metro stations?
Now I'm panicking. I had an apple in my throat, a water melon in my stomach and onions around my eyes. We were freaking out. Finally we get off praying this place has a metro, we see one but it's the JR line.
My map doesn't use the JR line.
oh no.
Of course no one around us speaks english too. So luckily we found some cops and one spoke english.
Yay! He told us possibly the most confusing route ever but after some time I figured it out and got us home.
At about midnight.
And now I get to wake up at 8 to get ready for a casting in the morning.
And then I get to see the...lovely people at the shopping channel again.
Hopefully all this stress made my arms shrink.

Until my next rant, Ky.xo

Friday, July 2, 2010


Funny story. So remember that "not burnable" day for garbage. Well turns out they only do that on every 2nd and 4th friday. Who knew. So there I am running out in my Pj's dropping grocery bags on the street. I assumed they were picked up, until my mom and I found them behind the bush. Whoops. That's when we saw the sign about the fridays. So behind the bush they will stay, because there is no where else to put it. We already missed one of the burnable days and I will admit, it's starting to smell. And we have to wait until Monday to be able to get rid of it. Oh and no putting it out the night before, only between 7-8 Am.
Seriously a stupid system.
I had one casting today for a diet pill as I had said, it was short and sweet, basically the perfect casting. Then I went off to test for the shopping channel. Little did I know I would actually go on live television. I modeled 2 rings and a cardigan that not even my grandma would wear. I felt it went really well at the time, until the woman in charge said "your arms are very long, they look funny. Do something with them" excuse me? so I tried the next round to pose a bit more then I had been the time before. Was that good enough? No. Seriously woman I can't just shrink my arms. Yes they are long, deal with it. So now I have to go back on Sunday and do it all again to see if they will actually book me for a job. It's really a stupid system. And a gyp for models because they basically make them all test twice before booking some jobs, which is 2 slots they have filled in the show that they don't have to pay for.
Once that was done and over with my mom and I decided to check out Sunshine City. One of the biggest buildings in Tokyo that's in my district. Well, it's huge and the most annoying and overwhelming place I have ever seen. Shops upon shops upon shops of vibrant overflowing racks with blaring music (each with different music trying to tune out the next shop) and young girls yelling everywhere. Seriously, the workers stand there and go "ya chee maaaaaaah!" in the most high pitch annoying yell you have ever heard in your life. And that last "maaaaah" they carry on forever. I don't even want to think about what they would sound like on helium. After about 10 minutes I had a head ache and needed something sweet.
That's when heaven dawned upon us and we found Dipper Dan. A gelato and crepe house. My agent would kill me if he saw what I ate, but after being told my arms are funny and hearing screaming asians I deserved it.
Tomorrow thankfully we get the day off, yay! So my mom and I were thinking of either doing Disneyland or the Imperial Palace. I'm not too sure if I will get another day off while she's here so we have to do everything we can. It's going to be so hard when she leaves. I mean the Russians and I are better now but it's nice being able to talk without doing entire body movements and speaking like a caveman. I know I will be fine, I can get around on the metro perfect and everything, it's just the lonely factor. Luckily another girl from my agency arrived the other day so worse comes to worse I'll hop on the metro and go see her. Coultish Models are taking over Tokyo, there is now 3 of us here. Were putting Victoria on that map that's for sure. It's amazing the amount of girls with contracts this year, last year I think there was maybe 4 and this year I'd say about 12 or so, It's amazing, so proud to be a part of the coultish family.
Even if I do have lanky arms.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day Japan! (extension to the last post)

"Everywhere I look it's like pokemon on acid!"

Worst translation of the day: "I've always on your side" - Random T-shirt.
Quote of the day: "Everywhere I look it's like pokemon on acid! I'm surprised were not blind!" - Mother Mavis
Know fact of the day: There are no garbage cans on the street or any where for that matter, and yet no litter, where does it go?

Happy Canada Day! We tried to explain to people at starbucks what it was they didn't understand at all and thought we were crazy.. but we tried.Other people just stared in the streets, as if we didn't stand out enough we were wearing matching canada t-shirts. Ah well it's one day, you gotta do it!
After we poked into a few shops, I fell in love. Bought a few things but my mom had to drag me out.I may just have to max out the visa here.. heh, kidding mom.

Then off to work the Russians and I went, more castings, more subway, more walking.. A lot less then yesterday though today was only 4. A hair show, Casting company, a magazine ad and the shopping channel. Funny enough I have a test run through already at the shopping channel tomorrow to see if I am fit for the job. It's huge here, on 24 hours a day. It's a good job to get and hopefully if I do, I can get my mom to get a snap shot of me on TV. I'll mainly be doing fashion and jewelry. You only work for about 2 hours a day with it but you might do that 5 times in one week so it's good work. I also have a casting for a diet pill tomorrow hahaha, ei: never believe the people in magazines actually use that stuff.

We decided to go out tonight adventuring, we actually found a few grad dress shops. We had some fun trying stuff on in there, I didn't find anything but nice to know they have it! But I must be off to get some rest, I have to get up early to take our garbage out, it's "un-burnable" day. You sort it all between burnable and un-burnable in grocery bags and certain days you leave it on the street. At least that's what you do in the apartment, on the streets there is nothing. Seriously. It's quite annoying because you just hold on to it until your back at the apartment due to the huge fine you get for littering. it's quite odd. But anyways back to sleep. G'night!