I like to be shot.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fingers Crossed during restless nights.

Well... The moment has passed.
Yes I had my meeting with Woman's Management. To be honest it couldn't have gone better. Much more then I expected. So if nothing comes of this I have no regrets which is a good thing, because I know there was nothing else I could have done. But I also have a lot of faith in myself and believe that they will get back to me.
See there's a difference between being conceited and confident. I worked hard, I trained, ate well, got my book together. All as preparation for this meeting.
I have a right to be confident.
Of course I have my doubts. But if it's not meant to happen now... it will later.
I'd just much rather have now.
I'm only Human. That's just the way we are.


Saturday, November 6, 2010


One moment could change everything.
It could instantly,
Or it could down the line.
I try and keep that in mind. That even though results may not be instant, they may pop back up and surprise you.
My plan was to get into my best shape possible, have my best book possible and get my agent to send my things to an agency that had previously been interested in me.
They beat me to the punch.
Now my moment is a week away.
I'm trying not to have much expectations. Letting what happens happen. But I'm also going in with a confident mind set.
As long as I allow myself to be open to it and put myself there, what's meant to happen will.
Some of my friends don't understand the impact this could have, but I'm using that as motivation. I'm using any person who made fun of me, doubted me or even laughed at me, as my fuel.
I have fire behind me, that's what will get me there.

Here's to a leap of faith & good things to come.
