I like to be shot.

Monday, May 28, 2012


The difference a year can make.
I sat and thought about this today. About how incredibly different my life is compared to a year ago. 
I graduated, moved out, found my way and am now living in China. 
My life couldn't have changed more. And I am so happy that it's exactly this point in time that everything has finally fallen into place. For if it had been a year since I graduated and I was still at home "figuring out my life" I think I would have fallen into a depression.
But clearly I'm not the type of person who sits around and waits for life to come to them. At least not anymore. I quickly learnt that gets you know where. 
Life likes to be chased.

This weekend I had a show for Edwin, with my room mate Marina and two guys, Marcus from Germany and Antone from the Ukraine. It was a long but enjoyable day non the less. After which I finally went out bought myself a new camera. Yay! I had originally wanted the Nikon D3100 but after bartering with people for hours I kind of lost my lust for it. And ended up getting the new Nikon 1 J1. Needless to say I am in love. It couldn't be more perfect for what I need. Small, lightweight yet great quality with changeable lenses. Love love love.

Sunday we had a day off but we decided no one wanted to spend money at this point so we basically had a lazy day that only consisted of a walk to the park for a late picnic. We ended up spending about 3 hours there just eating fruit salad, playing with my camera and laying in the grass star gazing at the 2 stars Shanghai has to offer.

Yes they only have two stars... it's so depressing.

When I think how I "saw myself in a year" a year ago from now, there are a lot of changes I wouldn't have expected. Some I would love, some I wouldn't. But I know this is exactly where I'm supposed to be.
I'm interested to see, in a year from now, what will have changed once again. 

You just never know...


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pretty Woman

Sunday has officially earned it's self the "Funday" title.
Today we had 2 castings in the morning which went decently quick, so we decided to seize the day and go on an adventure.
We started off by meeting another Brazilian named Paula and heading to the JingAn Temple.
 I was in absolute awe. 

The sweet smell of in scents burning and stunning architecture that surrounded you simply took your breath away. Then as you climbed the stairs, through the doorway you could see a massive Buddha sitting within a lotus. The faint hum of people praying in the background calmed your soul.
 I had no words. 

Such an incredibly beautiful religion. 
It's amazing because it's plopped right in the middle of the city, so much commotion around it and yet the second you step through the doorways it's this serene oasis separated from the outside world.
Of course after only two photos my camera broke. It had been a trooper for over 5 years, and finally decided to kick the bucket.
At least I'm in China where I can find a good one for at least a little cheaper than Canada.
After we headed to People's Square which is basically the Chinese "Times Square". We stopped for some fruit and frozen yogurt at a place called AnnaBanana which was simply incredibly then headed out. 
The rush of people around you and bright signs along giant buildings was exhilarating.  Your eyes didn't know where to stop because there was so much around you. 
After searching high and low for H&M and having no such luck we decided to head to the Bund.
Which is an area that is almost Parisian looking buildings that is right on the water and looks across to Pudong. 
The view was incredible, especially at night.

In that moment right there I fell in love with Shanghai. 

This was exactly what I was waiting for.
So of course with there being a crowd of tourists, 3 white girls really stood out.
And they all seemed to want a picture with us. So we decided hey, lets have some fun with this!
Want a picture with us? 10 RMB
At first people were like oh nooo but then all it took was one fool to give in and before we knew it we had a crowd of people handing us money for pictures.
We couldn't believe it actually worked!
Some people were handing us upwards of 50 RMB just to take a photo and walk away.

There ended up being SUCH a commotion that the police ended up coming over to see what was going on.
So of course we had to cool it for a bit but after a good hour or two we ended up making around 250 RMB

By simply smiling in a few photos.
I think we've found a new source of income?
It was honestly one of the most ridiculous yet fun things I have ever done.
This is most definitely a Sunday I shall never forget.


Friday, May 18, 2012


Last night I had my first taste of China night life. 
And oh China you know how to party. 
It was a great night filled with awesome music and even better people.
Not to mention free drinks

(Oh the perks of being a model
But of course we didn't get in until late and the one night I go out I find out the next morning I have nine castings....
Feel free to scroll down and read my last post when I said that 4 castings felt like forever..
This was nine.
(thought I would say it again)
We got picked up at 10:30 and didn't get home until around 6. And of course none of them were short easy castings either. Thankfully it was only Marina and I for majority of the day, and seeing as we were both extremely over tired we managed to entertain ourselves by singing every song we could possibly think of, taking ridiculous pictures and chat about every topic form A-Z. 
I can officially concur that we were separated at birth.
Today also marked my first full week in Shanghai. As fast as that was, it feels like I've already been here for a month or something. Not in a time sense, but in how comfortable I am here already. It's strange, I never thought I would settle this easily.
Actually when I really sit and think about it, I never saw myself in China period. Let alone living in China. I feel so blessed to have found something I love to do so much that not only incorporates meeting amazing people, doing work I throughly enjoy but also to experience the world in ways most people never would. 
It has it's ups and downs but I wouldn't trade it for the world. If anything I just want to do and see more with every experience I endure. 
I'm thinking another stop in Asia possibly, then a trip to Brazil to see my other half. 

I mean really, why not? So many opportunities around me. I plan on seizing them all.


Monday, May 14, 2012

That's Life

Today I lived in a van.
10:30 I had a casting for a TVC
Then home for a quick lunch 
Only to leave again at 1:00 for 3 more castings which happened to be in every opposite corner of Shanghai. 
It doesn't sound like much but man, we were in that van forever.
Thankfully it was one of the most entertaining van rides I've ever had. I don't think I've laughed so hard I had tears running down my face in a long long time. 
If nothing else I will call it a very... interesting day. 
One of the castings was for an online catalog (that's a really good client)and they wanted to use me as an undergarment model. So I had to strip right down to my underwear right there in the studio and have about 20 random strangers (including other models from my agency and others) get to see my ass... that was fun. 
I swear in this industry you just got to let it go. It's no longer "your body" But simply a mannequin or a "canvas" for them to use. 
(I may also add, I don't do nudity, as tasteful and artistic and I believe it to be, it's not for me. And all my agents know this. But unfortunately it was my choice of underwear today that caused this..)
Then as we were leaving, me being in my new giant pink heels, practically biffed so hard it's not funny. I somehow caught myself and ran about ten feet before I was able to catch my balance. It was like freaking Bambi on ice only instead on only rolling ankles it was like a complete nose dive. What I would do to see a video of what that looked like...
Actually scratch that, it's bad enough in my head. I don't want to know. 
But in the end all you can do is laugh it off and hope to god they actually book me haha. 

Another point I must touch on is the traffic in China. I have never seen something so dysfunctional in my life. No one uses traffic lanes, or stop lights or even cross walks. You can pull a u-turn at anytime in the middle of traffic. Weave in and out of vehicles and bikes(including going into oncoming traffic lanes). Crossing the street is literally like putting your life on the line. They will not think twice about running you over. It's every man for himself out there. 
Although as insane and dangerous as it all is. I have yet to see one car accident..
I mean you hear of pedestrians being hit all the time. But as for actual cars it's somehow surprisingly fine. 
Oh they don't believe in seat belts either. So I guess I really better pray that accidents are as rare as they seem...
But all in all I have no complaints. I mean I got to be driven around town all day, then smile at clients and have my picture taken, only to come home to a clean apartment with dishes done and my bed made from the cleaning lady. 

Seriously my life is so tough...


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Xie Xie

I find with each coming day things get better and better here.
This morning I had a quick casting then got dropped of at my job for the day. All I knew before was it was for a catalog. Turned out to be for "Playboy" outwear.(Does this make me a playboy bunny?) Which actually consisted of some really nice coats.
 I enjoyed the make-up they did, though the hair I could have done without. It was slightly reminiscent of "Morning after" hair if you know what I mean...
Needless to say that was fun tocomb out..

The job was with another Canadian from my agency named Daniel, a girl Sophia from Hungary and another gentlemen who didn't converse much, so I have no idea where he was from.

It was actually a pretty fun job. Some shots were with all 4 of us, others just Daniel and I, and some just alone. All together we probably did at least 30 looks or more. The 4.5 hours seemed to fly by and before I knew it I was done for the day.

As for Shanghai it's self,  I'm still not crazy the city (nothing like I felt for Tokyo), but I'm starting to feel comfortable here. And I enjoy what it has to offer around me. It may just be one of those places you have to learn to love. But I'm starting to learn my surroundings a little better, along with understanding the currency and a few chinese words. Which is making everything much easier.

Who knows, maybe with all this Mandarin and Portuguese around me I'll come home being tri-lingual! (I mean, probably not...)


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Take your time.

   After having some issues with my proxy and not being able to post I am finally able to get back on blogger. Which is probably for the best, for if I had posted after my first day I'm not sure it would have been all too positive. 

The first day I seemed to go through waves, at some points I was like, "Okay I can do this, I'll be fine." Then I would plunge back down and think "What am I doing here?!" 

First off the people I'm living with/ working with from the agency are all amazing. I am so so thankful things are different this time around.  The first night I was put up with 2 Canadians, a Brazilian and one girl from Argentina. They were all super nice the next morning once I got to meet them (for I got in at 1 AM) but the next day I was to switch apartments for that one already had 4 people in it and this one only had 3. Thankfully it was for the best, for one, this apartment is even nicer than the last(actually incredible for models apartment standards), it's on the first floor where as the other was the 5th and this one is even closer to everything. 

Not to mention I'm now living with 3 rather entertaining Brazilians.

My first full day contained nothing more than 7 castings, being driven around in a hot van from place to place. (oh the glamour!) The Chinese are very up front about whether they like you or not. You tend to know if you got the job or not on the spot, or at least you have an idea. This I was not a fan of. Sometimes it's better to just not know...

But things seem to be getting better and better. I told myself I had to give it two weeks before I judge Shanghai, for when I went to Japan it took about that long to really get settled and learn my surroundings, and by then I loved it.

It's only the second day but it's already so much better. I have befriended my room mate Marina who has been amazing taking me around and showing me the best places to shop etc. And I found out I booked two jobs already! (guess I didn't do as bad as I thought...) With that being after only one day of castings I'm feeling rather positive about how I will work here.

So hopefully things keep going upwards and onwards. 

Shanghai just may grow on me...


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The first of many

   As I sit in the YVR airport waiting for my flight to arrive I can't help but feel this moment of calm and comfort. Not something I expected to feel when I am about to move to another country for 3 months on my own. I have no idea who I'm living with or what my life will be like. The next three months is nothing but a dark abyss waiting to unveil it's self.
    Usually, at this point in time I would be so stressed out I would most likely have no hair left. The "old" Kyla would be having 50 fits about every detail of what's to come. Not to mention the short notice time I had to get prepared. 
But for some strange reason I could not be more content.
It feels right.
My life is exactly where I want it to be at this point in time. Somehow I just know it will be okay. I couldn't love living in Vancouver more, but leaving now feels right. Probably because I finally feel comfortable there on my own and I now know that's exactly what I will be coming back to. 
Embracing the unknown is something new for me, but it's a skill I'm definitely glad that I have finally learnt.

  Yesterday was the perfect way to spend my last day in Vancouver.
A couture bridal show featuring Tiffany &Co in the Rosewood Georgia Hotel.
Below is a video of Jason Matlo's amazing show I was honored to get to open.

Pretty amazing life I'm living if you ask me...

Ky xo

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Words to consider

The time will come when, with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror and each will smile at the other's welcome, and say, sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was your self. Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart. Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, the photographs, the desperate notes, peel your own image from the mirror. Sit. Feast on your life. Derek Walcott