I finally started hot yoga up again. I found a studio called "Yogapod" that's only a 10 minute walk from my apartment. It's an amazing studio and extremely popular which says a lot about it's instructors and classes. Today was day 2 of my 15 day "trial". It was extremely difficult but incredibly rewarding. I enjoy that each class is a little different here. So I don't know what to expect which allows it to go by a little faster. The feeling you have after sweeting profusely for 90 minutes is indescribable. You feel like you could take on the world (after you have showered of course..) It was amazing, today I was feeling quite bored and a little down, but after class I felt wonderful, I think that's why I enjoy it so much. You struggle all class, you sweat, you feel sick, you want to give up. But the minute it's over you feel the benefits immediately. You feel rejuvenated and refreshed, your body beams with fresh flowing blood. Not to mention the detox from the sweat, the cleansing of your organs and the benefits for your skin, body, mind and even weight. Yoga is something I plan on practicing for the rest of my life.Namaste.
ps. This photo is what I often picture while meditating, I love the calm cool and serene values of it. You can almost taste the fresh air. I could sit in that spot for hours, if only I knew where it was..
Ky xo
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