Modeling has always been expressed as a glamorous job. Hair and make-up done, being pampered. It isn't often reflected the hardship we often face. A few weeks ago I did a shoot out on a beach. Now mind you I live in West Coast Canada. It's still cold here. And for the first while I was doing fine, I used to be a figure skater I can handle cold. But hours pass without a coat. Me on the beach in nothing but a slip and slowly my entire body started to turn numb. I couldn't feel my hands or feet, They were slowly turning purple but I persevered and pushed through. When we finished the shoot I hopped in my car blasted the heat and threw one many more layers. And even with all that it took four hours for me to even get pins and needles in my hands.
Usually they would start after about twenty minutes, I couldn't move my hands, text, nothing. I felt paralyzed. Needless to say I spent the rest of the day huddled in my bed.
But I'd say the final product was worth it.
Beauty is Pain.
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