I like to be shot.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Feel the tide turning.

One chapter has come and drawn to a close. 
My time in Shanghai will be one I shall never forget. 
The lessons I learnt there have helped to pave the path I plan to take forward. It helped me realize things I want, and things I sure don't.
If anything I am most thankful for the people I met there. Some, I hope will continue to be life long friends.
 I try and take something away from every person I meet. Everyone has something to share. And being surrounded by such a diverse group of people I really feel like I've learnt so much from them. And with every piece I take away, I feel as though it helps secure me into who I really am and where I want to go. 
And if nothing else, I hope the people I have met have gained something from me. Whether it be knowledge I have passed on, even about the most mundane of things, or simply a new friend. 

Shanghai came with many ups and downs. And some surprising twists. 
I was shocked at how little home sickness I felt. For when most people go to China, they get a bad case of the home bug. But I think the fact I was just so happy to finally have a contract and be around good people, I just wouldn't let myself go there. I knew this is what I wanted. I wasn't going to let missing home ruin it. 

As I said before I was incredibly pleased with the people I met and the many adventures I got to go on in our spare time. Those moments will be the ones I shall never forget.

But the lows of Shanghai were definitely the filth, the stench and the rude behavior that no matter how long I lived there I would never get used to. Nor should one want to. We really are spoiled in Canada. And you can't truly appreciate it until you have been somewhere that is such a high contrast. 

And so with China at a close I can down take out a fresh sheet, dab my pen and start a new journey here in Singapore.

The difference here is like night and day. It's clean, quiet, safe and respectful. The people are friendly, the air smells sweet. Oh and you can drink the tap water (hallelujah!) 
I can already tell I'm really going to enjoy it here. I can't wait to get out there, get lost and get cultured. 

I hope you're ready for me Singapore!


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