I like to be shot.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Final Countdown.

24 days.
...24 days.
So, along with last week and a half of school, 4 exams, working and seeing everyone before I go I basically leave tomorrow.
I have travelled lots here and there. But nothing farther then Mexico or New York. Longest flight was about 7 on the way back from New York..
This one. 10 hours.
Those three hours make a HUGE difference.
And not only that but a 15 hour time difference which in other words at the moment I would be saying good-afternoon. Not being tucked in bed as I am right now.
But to be honest, none of that bothers me. Yes the plane ride will suck. But I don't even care it will be so worth it.
I just need to try and not expect anything and just see it when I get there. I always try and get mental images and Try and think of what it will be like.
I'm always wrong.
So I should stop and just let it come,
Because like I said, I leave tomorrow..

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