Today I woke up with a new direction to this whole living situation. I was not okay with them outcasting me so I decided it would be no longer. I had bought two teddy bears wearing Canada sweaters so first thing I did was go into the room and gave them to them. As a way to break the ice. Turns out one of them had brought me russian chocolate and pictures of their city. I knew after that things would be different and even though we still mainly talk through interpretive dance it's a lot better. I want to make friends and I mean who can turn down a Canadian, we seriously have this way of getting along with people. When we go to jobs my agent always says I'm from Canada and they seem so smile a lot larger and be more polite to me. I love it.
I then got the privilege of figuring out the shower and the toilet. It was an adventure. Turns out the toilet is one of those ones that when you flush it makes the sink go. Who knew, I'm not even going to bother with the bunch of other buttons. The shower in a littler room with a tub. It's a little odd but it works thats the important thing. Then my mom and I set me room up and un-packed. It now feels like my room not just some place. It definitely helps.
Then we went to work for the day which consisted of 7 castings. And anyone who is in the industry would know that is a lot for one day. It was all over tokyo hopping on the subway and walking everywhere. I was sweating so much, I haven't had that good of a work out in a long time. After all that I no longer feel guilty for having starbucks and mcdonalds this morning. Yes we found starbucks and mcdonalds, so happy!
But after going around and seeing more of tokyo, getting to know my room mates a bit better and not only that but doing something I love , I have found I'm really starting to like this town. I think I just needed to find my routine and now that I have I feel more comfortable.
It's so true you find comfort in consistency..
You wouldn't believe how clean it is here. In the subway little old woman get down with a cloth and scrub spots on the floor. It's nuts. We also found out today that they have drive by advertisements. But they aren't like your typical semi with a picture on the side, they have loud music sometimes with talking and vibrant colours that blind you as they pass. It's hilarious.
I'm feeling really good about most of the castings, one was for fuji flim, a jeans ad, a wedding editorial and a bunch of hair shows. We find out tomorrow what we booked. Tomorrow so far we have 3 castings one being for the shopping channel. It's huge over here! And apparently a really good job to get.
Hopefully I will be able to report I have booked a few more jobs tomorrow!
Tomorrow is Canada day (remember the 15 hour time difference) so my mom and I have canada t-shirts were going to wear and we have a bunch of canada pencils (they love anything with our flag) and were going to go give them to little kids. I'm pretty upset I'm not home for it, it's one of my favorite holidays, but instead I will bring it to Tokyo!
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