Things have been slowing down for this child. Well, modeling wise. Life wise things are non-stop. Between school, job hunting, friends, dance, guitar and what ever else I hardly find time to rest. But I have no complaints. I prefer to keep busy and honestly, I have felt very positive lately. I have really come to realize the thick skin Japan made me grow. And I like it. A lot. It may help that I'm now in Grade 12 and don't really have anyone to look up to. Who knows? Either way I like it.
I shot the Spring 2011 Tension Catalog and well, to be honest, I didn't really want to. This would be my forth time working for them and I never like the hair and make-up or the styling and really only a few times have I liked the end result too. But it's one of the only local jobs I get paid for. No, to me modeling isn't about the money but I am unemployed so if I can find random modeling jobs that pay why wouldn't I? Plus it is tear sheets. Anywho, it was a long day. I had to get up at 4:30 to catch the ferry to Vancouver, shoot over 20 different looks. It was exhausting! Then travel home and go to school the following morning.
The people I worked for are always nice, so I wouldn't say I regret doing it, but at the time I was kind of thinking man, if I was in Japan I'd be getting a lot more for this. No I'm not greedy but it's hard when you go from one extreme to another.
But it's over with, I'm now caught up again in my classes and things are going well.
I hope to keep all my posts this fairly optimistic.
'til then.
Ps. The photo is from a recent shoot I did with Jonathan Bell.
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