Sunday has officially earned it's self the "Funday" title.
Today we had 2 castings in the morning which went decently quick, so we decided to seize the day and go on an adventure.
We started off by meeting another Brazilian named Paula and heading to the JingAn Temple.
I was in absolute awe.
The sweet smell of in scents burning and stunning architecture that surrounded you simply took your breath away. Then as you climbed the stairs, through the doorway you could see a massive Buddha sitting within a lotus. The faint hum of people praying in the background calmed your soul.
I had no words.

Such an incredibly beautiful religion.
It's amazing because it's plopped right in the middle of the city, so much commotion around it and yet the second you step through the doorways it's this serene oasis separated from the outside world.
Of course after only two photos my camera broke. It had been a trooper for over 5 years, and finally decided to kick the bucket.
At least I'm in China where I can find a good one for at least a little cheaper than Canada.
After we headed to People's Square which is basically the Chinese "Times Square". We stopped for some fruit and frozen yogurt at a place called AnnaBanana which was simply incredibly then headed out.
The rush of people around you and bright signs along giant buildings was exhilarating. Your eyes didn't know where to stop because there was so much around you.
After searching high and low for H&M and having no such luck we decided to head to the Bund.
Which is an area that is almost Parisian looking buildings that is right on the water and looks across to Pudong.
The view was incredible, especially at night.
This was exactly what I was waiting for.
So of course with there being a crowd of tourists, 3 white girls really stood out.
And they all seemed to want a picture with us. So we decided hey, lets have some fun with this!
Want a picture with us? 10 RMB
At first people were like oh nooo but then all it took was one fool to give in and before we knew it we had a crowd of people handing us money for pictures.
We couldn't believe it actually worked!
Some people were handing us upwards of 50 RMB just to take a photo and walk away.

There ended up being SUCH a commotion that the police ended up coming over to see what was going on.
So of course we had to cool it for a bit but after a good hour or two we ended up making around 250 RMB
By simply smiling in a few photos.
I think we've found a new source of income?
It was honestly one of the most ridiculous yet fun things I have ever done.
This is most definitely a Sunday I shall never forget.
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