The difference a year can make.
I sat and thought about this today. About how incredibly different my life is compared to a year ago.
I graduated, moved out, found my way and am now living in China.
My life couldn't have changed more. And I am so happy that it's exactly this point in time that everything has finally fallen into place. For if it had been a year since I graduated and I was still at home "figuring out my life" I think I would have fallen into a depression.
But clearly I'm not the type of person who sits around and waits for life to come to them. At least not anymore. I quickly learnt that gets you know where.
Life likes to be chased.
This weekend I had a show for Edwin, with my room mate Marina and two guys, Marcus from Germany and Antone from the Ukraine. It was a long but enjoyable day non the less. After which I finally went out bought myself a new camera. Yay! I had originally wanted the Nikon D3100 but after bartering with people for hours I kind of lost my lust for it. And ended up getting the new Nikon 1 J1. Needless to say I am in love. It couldn't be more perfect for what I need. Small, lightweight yet great quality with changeable lenses. Love love love.
Sunday we had a day off but we decided no one wanted to spend money at this point so we basically had a lazy day that only consisted of a walk to the park for a late picnic. We ended up spending about 3 hours there just eating fruit salad, playing with my camera and laying in the grass star gazing at the 2 stars Shanghai has to offer.
Yes they only have two stars... it's so depressing.

When I think how I "saw myself in a year" a year ago from now, there are a lot of changes I wouldn't have expected. Some I would love, some I wouldn't. But I know this is exactly where I'm supposed to be.
I'm interested to see, in a year from now, what will have changed once again.

You just never know...
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