Some days you wake up starring straight into the eyes of misfortune. It smiles and says "Good morning" in it's sly mischievous tone. And for the rest of the day it follows you. Frolicking around laughing as it simply stands in your way of everything. You try to reason with it, plead even. But it just continues to walk in your shadows.
The other night Jacob and I were talking about The Secret, a book about the law of attraction. This, and only this is the way to send misfortune on the next ship to Costa Rica.
I woke up this morning with my neck killing due to the cot I currently sleep on. Only to burn myself when pouring my hot water and lemon. Then tripping over the cords that run straight across my room for the internet.
Ok not a good start but I thought give it a bit of time.
Then I had a conversation with my mother that I couldn't exactly say shifted my mood in any way. Just not the morning for it. Causing me to billow in frustration.
Of course while getting ready I poked my eyes with mascara and my hair didn't want to cooperate.
I stepped outside to another 37 degree day. Fueling more anger towards my sweat.
After a meeting with my agent I headed to Zara's just to waste time. I didn't buy anything mainly looked around wishing the sale was still on so I could afford anything. After about an hour I decided to head back. Only to have my eyes caught by a starbucks. I thought ok, I so deserve this.
So I got a nice cold carmel frapp and a wrap. While walking to the only open seat I nicked the corner of my tray on the pony wall sending my frapp flying.
Hadn't even opened the straw yet.
The girls who's feet were currently covered the ice cold drink were nice enough to grab a worker to mop it up. My 10 napkins didn't really cut it.
And thankfully the workers were kind enough to even bring me a new drink right away. You always kind of hope they would but you never know if they will. Right then I though ok, this attitude needs to change. I'm a magnet for misery right now.
And when I finally got back to the apartment I just started laughing. If I keep saying "This is the worst day, I'm having such a bad day" I'm just going to attract more bad things. So I decided no, I am going to say "I'm going to have a better day, good things can still happen"
And as much as I haven't won the lottery or landed a burberry campaign, nothing bad has happened since. I have successfully walked across my room without tripping, Made dinner without burning myself and I even found one last cookie in the box that I thought I had finished.
And that right there is good enough for me.
So long misfortune, I hope you enjoy Costa Rica.