I like to be shot.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fashion 4-some

I have said many a' times how I miss being able to go to the beach. And today, I got to! Granted it was a 3 hour metro ride then a 20 minute taxi and about 15 of walking but it was worth it. Sort of.
It was an interesting shoot. I kind of call is a fashion 4-some. 4 photographers shooting me at once. I had never had anything like that it was so weird. It was insanely windy so often times when I was just fixing my hair they would still take pictures. And having to rotate your eyes to all of them got exhausting(sounds stupid but it's hard ok). The waves were huge and I was leaning/sitting/standing on this huge rocks that were morphed into weird shapes making amazing backgrounds. 
But it was long. And very hot. I think I got heat stroke. And if I don't have a sun burn tomorrow, I will be shocked. Rainy season has left Tokyo and it's now a heat wave. It's insane. If it weren't for that strong wind I would have died. But it got difficult and fast. I hadn't ate much all day and tied with the beating sun, working hard and a long day I started to die out. Not only that but have any of you ever been on the Indiana Jones ride in Disneyland? And do you remember the part when the light shines and it shows spiders everywhere... well, that was me. But it wasn't a ride. It happened. The bugs and creepy crawly things all over the rocks were terrifying. And they weren't shy to crawl on you. There were many times where I had to run around to get them off me. Fun? No. Not at all. And at a point I was crossing some water to climb onto a rock and it was slippery and I didn't know. Now before I finish I would like to mention what an amazing rock climber I am, it's something that always came naturally to me. Maybe it's the long legs, I don't know. But I could get anywhere. It was kind of fun. So with me being all confident I frolicked into the water my foot slipped and I crashed into the hard edges of the rocks. Causing me to gash open my leg, toe and hand. Awesome. And they could have cared less so I had to keep on posing while being in a lot of pain (remember...salt water. OW!) 
After a while I just wanted to stop. I felt horrible I wasn't into it. I just wanted to go to bed. But then I reminded myself that almost every shoot I didn't enjoy, or I didn't like the person or I didn't feel I have been doing well, have been the best photos of mine. It's so weird. So I was like well maybe that will happen again. 
On the way back one of the four photographers let me look at his camera and you know what, they look pretty good to me. I'm excited to see them in big. So even though it wasn't the best shoot experience, I think in the end it will be worth it. 
That's what it's all about. That's all that matters. 
And if not at least I got to check out Tokyo Bay!

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