I believe in fate. I'm not very religious, just wasn't brought up that way. Although I find religion very interesting, I do not practice any. But I do however believe in fate. I do believe everything happens for a reason, that maybe things are already generally set out for us and as different cards are played causing different results we walk through the maze, but the path is pretty clear. Some people say that fate is just a security net for people to follow. That if there was such thing as fate why would these horrible things happen? Well, I think that people who don't believe in fate are just afraid of the fact that the choices have been made for them. But I have seen fate, it has stared me in the face and smiled.
I know I didn't go to Korea last year because I wasn't ready. There were other things in my life that needed to be dealt with before I could handle being on my own. There were new experiences I need to endure before setting off. I needed to be stronger, to see these things and to learn. And so fate lead me to Tokyo.
I always said I wanted to go on a trip by myself. To learn about myself and explore, see how I did. Granted I planed on it being an english speaking country where I could meet people. But fate didn't choose that for me, not yet anyway. Well I got it. And today while I was sopping in my loneliness I remembered that very plan. And said "Well, your here. This is what you wanted.. Do something!" It was like fate slapped me in the face and said "HEY! You wanted this! I'm right here!" Yes this experience would be much better with someone by my side. But I am meant to learn to stand on my own feet and have no crutches holding me up.
And tomorrow is just another step. I am working at a big car show event for Fiat. Tons of press will be there taking pictures as we stand by the car/ sit in it. Should be a fairly fun job I'm thinking. Plus it's something keeping me busy. Which is always good.
I talked to my agent today as we went to the casting. And as I have said the date I come home is not set in stone. Nothing in this industry ever is. And next week we are discussing when the date should for sure be. I kind of have mixed feelings about it. I want to go home, have a few weeks left of summer with everyone. That urge is there. But I'm here, there is a reason. I feel like I'm meant to see other things, do other things here. BUT, it turns out the japanese chirstmas holiday is in the summer. Because it is SO hot here everyone stops working, shuts everything down and leaves the country and visits others for about a week in August. So during that time there will be no work, no castings, nothing. And because there was no castings there probably wont be much work the week after either. So my agent is saying, why waste money and time keeping us here when there wont be anything. Which makes perfect sense. So, if I were to come home a little early it would not be because I couldn't do it, or I wasn't doing well enough. Simply because the market was down. And under that condition would I only go home. I am not backing down, in fact I love it here. I want to do this, I want to work, I want to learn. As much as some days are horrible I have all year to be in Duncan, who knows when I will ever come back here. Or get a chance like this again. I need to remind myself of that. So basically, the contract will speak for it's self. How it goes is how I go. But I'm not going to say anything. I'll let fate do the talking.
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