Matcha green tea. My newest addiction. Or plain green tea, although I prefer Matcha. You see when ever you go to castings or a job they just hand it to you. I don't want to be rude so I just drink it and now after forced back glasses of it for a month..I love it. Granted I prefer it hot rather then cold. Which in most cases cold is how they give it to you but I will admit I am a fan. Usually I hate tea, I would beak my friends when drinking it because I can't stand the smell, it's much too sweet for me. But green tea isn't, and it's actually really good for you. So I'm thinking this new habit is something I may keep.
Plus a cup of the green seems to make a day go well.
See, Yesterday. Not so good. Ipod broke, necklace from my mom broke. I wasn't happy. Nope, not at all. But my days here are finger prints, no two are the same.
So as I was walking to the shop channel this morning and I noticed I was much too early (typical). Luckily there's a starbucks right there. So instead of my usual million calorie frapp, I opted for some tea. Just before leaving I saw one of the guys from the shop channel who did my hair one time. They have a ton of people who work there so you rarely get the same people twice. But I remembered him because he was so nice. We smiled and I left heading over to the set.
When you get there you have to sign in, so I did as usual and the guard just handed me a candy. Now I know, whoopdy doo. But they never do that and it made me smile. I throughly enjoy small gestures. Continuing on, I stepped on the elevator and hit my floor. As the doors were closing I saw "Happy starbucks guy" (no name) walking up so I quickly hit the doors open button just in time (seriously it was close) He was so thrilled! It was actually kind of cute how happy and thankful he was that I hit a button. I felt good, I had my tea, a candy and some good karma.
Time on set flew by, it really is a good way to make a day go fast. Evil lady who commented about my arms was back but she barely said two words to me. And I didn't bother trying to invoke any conversation for the only times we did talk she totally pissed me off. I didn't want her bringing my good day down and luckily I got out without her ruining it.
I then ran off to my casting which was quick and easy and headed home.
In a way I don't even care if Green tea is good for you, although it's a major plus. And maybe it being so good for you is why, but I have felt amazing all day. Just kind of this warmth has been lingering deep in my chest. I enjoy it.
Green is good.
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