I like to be shot.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's like a heat wave burning in my heart.

Today I worked for Alfa Romeo in the Concurs D'elegance Car show. We got to unveil the brand new "Guliette" that actually isn't released until next year. Sounds like a fun day right? No. Today was literally the hottest day I have ever endured in my life. Now, I know we say this a lot. Like how every time we get sick we always say "I have never felt this sick" but really it's just you feeling like crap in that moment. Well I'm not just saying this. It wins, by far. When ever we have jobs we are told to moisturize our skin before. BAD idea when you sweat. My body was like a slip n' slide. Because when you sweat all the cream that was sitting on your skin rises.. It doesn't feel so nice. I literally drank 4 huge things of water. If people in Tokyo do not have air conditioning I honestly think they could die. No lies. It's that bad. 
So if I hear anyone back home complaining about heat again I would love for them to come here and check this place out.
All the Japanese actually carry around a towel to wipe themselves off with. Seriously, you see it everywhere. And that's just normal. I now understand why ever one leaves for a few weeks in the summer. It is not enjoyable at all. 
Then on the way back the metro was packed. I had been there when it's busy, but it was packed. Like peoples faces against the windows kind of thing. Which didn't help with my already sweaty situation. I literally had a girls face in my armpit. And to top it off, the japanese just sleep on the metro so I had a guy snoozing on my back. My mosquito bites on my leg? I couldn't itch them, I could hardly breath, I was lucky to have a handle to hold, not that I would have gone anywhere. 
When I came home it literally took 2 hours of sitting under my blasting air conditioning and a cold shower in order to cool me down...
Just cool me down.
I'm not over exaggerating or anything. I know I do that a lot but honestly. There is no sarcasm in my words..for once.
So, what is to learn from all this? If you ever plan on visiting Japan, DON'T go in the summer.
You can learn, I can suffer.

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