Today we were given a break from the unmanageable heat here in Tokyo. Granted I wouldn't usually choose rain over sun but it sure was nice to step outside and not feel the urge to run back inside and sit with my A/C dreading the sweat that had already appeared on my skin. Although I did not know it was raining when I left the apartment so I stepped out side in my jean shorts and a t-shirt ready to fight the heat. It was quite a shock when I saw the rain pouring down. I didn't have time to change so I ran inside and grabbed my umbrella and had to leave.
Luckily it is very obvious I am a foreigner so I can pull off wearing shorts in the rain without looking too stupid. I mean all I have to say is I'm from Canada and people understand. We live in igloos remember...
The shop channel finally called back after about a week so I went there to work again. I can't say I was excited but I was happy to be working and not going for castings. But when I got there I was quickly humbled by the hair and make-up people and the bright lights of the set. Kyla and the Japanese really do get along. Even if all we do is smile and nod for some reason they make me really happy. Well the people I work with anyway. The people on the streets try not to look at you and keep the themselves. As unwelcoming as it is, it's probably a good thing.
My three hours there flew by and before I knew it I was back out in the rain finding my way home. For some strange reason today felt incredibly short. Maybe because I was finally doing something again, I'm not sure. But as I sit in bed writing this I feel like last night was a few hours ago.
With that being said I don't think my sleeping patterns ever really adjusted here. Every night no matter how tired I am I toss and turn forever. Granted it takes me a very long time to get used to another bed. Doesn't matter how comfy or uncomfortable (which this one is..) a bed is, if I'm not used to it, I don't sleep. Plus 15 hour time difference doesn't help. But I always find myself still up at 2, 3 AM wondering why the heck I'm not asleep. And then my body wakes me up at 8 or 9 and wont let me go back to bed (and that's if I'm lucky). No matter how exhausted I am. It's the most frustrating thing. Luckily today my body was nice and let me sleep until 10 but still, usually if I was up until 3 you wouldn't see me until at least after noon. But I will admit I do enjoy waking up a bit earlier. By the time my room mates are up I have had breakfast, caught up with everyone, got ready and onto lunch. They really waste the day. I can't imagine how short their days feel!
Well here I go to tackle myself to sleep again. Hopefully with more success...
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