Funny story. So remember that "not burnable" day for garbage. Well turns out they only do that on every 2nd and 4th friday. Who knew. So there I am running out in my Pj's dropping grocery bags on the street. I assumed they were picked up, until my mom and I found them behind the bush. Whoops. That's when we saw the sign about the fridays. So behind the bush they will stay, because there is no where else to put it. We already missed one of the burnable days and I will admit, it's starting to smell. And we have to wait until Monday to be able to get rid of it. Oh and no putting it out the night before, only between 7-8 Am.
Seriously a stupid system.
I had one casting today for a diet pill as I had said, it was short and sweet, basically the perfect casting. Then I went off to test for the shopping channel. Little did I know I would actually go on live television. I modeled 2 rings and a cardigan that not even my grandma would wear. I felt it went really well at the time, until the woman in charge said "your arms are very long, they look funny. Do something with them" excuse me? so I tried the next round to pose a bit more then I had been the time before. Was that good enough? No. Seriously woman I can't just shrink my arms. Yes they are long, deal with it. So now I have to go back on Sunday and do it all again to see if they will actually book me for a job. It's really a stupid system. And a gyp for models because they basically make them all test twice before booking some jobs, which is 2 slots they have filled in the show that they don't have to pay for.
Once that was done and over with my mom and I decided to check out Sunshine City. One of the biggest buildings in Tokyo that's in my district. Well, it's huge and the most annoying and overwhelming place I have ever seen. Shops upon shops upon shops of vibrant overflowing racks with blaring music (each with different music trying to tune out the next shop) and young girls yelling everywhere. Seriously, the workers stand there and go "ya chee maaaaaaah!" in the most high pitch annoying yell you have ever heard in your life. And that last "maaaaah" they carry on forever. I don't even want to think about what they would sound like on helium. After about 10 minutes I had a head ache and needed something sweet.
That's when heaven dawned upon us and we found Dipper Dan. A gelato and crepe house. My agent would kill me if he saw what I ate, but after being told my arms are funny and hearing screaming asians I deserved it.
Tomorrow thankfully we get the day off, yay! So my mom and I were thinking of either doing Disneyland or the Imperial Palace. I'm not too sure if I will get another day off while she's here so we have to do everything we can. It's going to be so hard when she leaves. I mean the Russians and I are better now but it's nice being able to talk without doing entire body movements and speaking like a caveman. I know I will be fine, I can get around on the metro perfect and everything, it's just the lonely factor. Luckily another girl from my agency arrived the other day so worse comes to worse I'll hop on the metro and go see her. Coultish Models are taking over Tokyo, there is now 3 of us here. Were putting Victoria on that map that's for sure. It's amazing the amount of girls with contracts this year, last year I think there was maybe 4 and this year I'd say about 12 or so, It's amazing, so proud to be a part of the coultish family.
Even if I do have lanky arms.
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