The last few days have been tough. As much as I have enjoyed them here in Tokyo I have felt a certain soft spot for a BC summer. We seriously don't realize how lucky we are. What I wouldn't do to be able to go grab an Ice Capp and go sit at the beach. Honestly. I have started having halucinations of jumping into a lake. Small things that I used to do all summer I now long for. I love what I'm doing, I love the opportunity but that doesn't mean I don't miss what we have at home. And talking to my friends back home, which really should have made it better only made the longing worse.
Today I was reminded why I'm here.
It was the Waseda College Hair Show. And it was magnificent. The casting for this show was the first casting I went to right when I arrived in Tokyo. Fumiko my stylist had chosen me right then, and since then her and I shared a bond even with the language barrier. I have come to the conclusion and Kyla and Japanese just get along well. They always seem to really like me and I always seem to love them. Anyways she was fantastic. The hair was wild and she was super fun about everything. We first went on with do #1 in black dresses, Did a walk through the seats etc.

Then quickly changed and sat on stage while they did a new hair do in 7 minutes. The transformation: amazing! The thrill of the loud music pulsing, the lights, the hair, walking. I felt like a mosquito sucking it all in.

We were only one of many acts in the show some of which involving beautiful kimonos, insane girls with make-up like butterflys and tons of other acts put on by this college. When the finale rolled around each group went out and took a bow, everyone clapping to the music and standing in a group. The atmosphere was thrilling, anyone who was in steel pier and remembers that last show and how when the curtains closed we all cheered and danced and cried. Well it was that all over again. And I didn't even attend the college. I choked up a little bit I will admit, but then I was like wait, I don't even know 80% of these people.. But still to have that feeling again, pulsing through me. Was amazing. It reminded me why I love this so much. Why I am here. And I know I have said those exact words before but I can't explain how amazing it is.
I even almost choked up hugging Fumiko good-bye. It was odd. Like I said, Japanese and I just seem to click.
On the way back I asked the girls how they felt about the show. What did they say? "ah it was ok, nothing great, I'm tired" I wanted to slap them. Seriously nothing impresses them. Their attitude really bothers me. But hey I enjoyed myself throughly that's all that matters.
But thanks to this day and a few amazing messages from home I am reminded that it's ok to miss home and miss what all the other summers of my life have consisted of. But that doesn't mean that what I'm doing, right here, isn't amazing.
Change is good. I'm learning to love it.
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