I decided not to post yesterday. Nothing exciting happened, we had a few castings and I napped the rest of the day. I think everything finally caught up with me. Oh, by the way a few people were asking me what a "casting" is. It's basically an audition for a job where they bring you in to see who will work best, ei:cast the part. And we basically walk a good 5 Km in 6 inch heels all day to get to each one. My legs want to murder me.
Today I only had one casting which was nice, a good break. My mom and I decided to head out to Tokyo Tower (much like the Eiffel Tower) It was amazing. The views were spectacular. They also had the official Michael Jackson Collection Tribute in it. I loved it. Throughout the tower they were playing Michael's songs. I was jamming the whole time.

Also we got to participate in Tanabata while being there. It's celebrated July the 7th which is the official Tanabata day (A japanese star festival). Basically the 7th of July is the once a year meeting of the 2 lovers, Kengyu and Shokujo. They are separated the rest of the year by the Milky Way. So the weeks leading up to it people write their wishes on paper and tie it to bamboo and on the 7th at around mid-night they are set afloat on a river or burned to send to the gods.
It was wonderful being able to celebrate a Japanese tradition while being here.
Which by the way is 50 days left. I'm not counting, Tia told me.

It feels like I've already been here a month. But the more I work I know it will go by fast. Not that I want it to, I really do love it here. But I do miss everyone. And my bed. I really miss my bed. But I'm enjoying myself and embracing it all.
Much love,
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